The gift of a day…

AbracadabraThis post originally published here on my blog on May 11, 2013. Since then I have read the book mentioned a second time and it continues to speak to me with each reading. There are a few books in my library where that is true.

I read Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist at the end of every December as my last book of the year. It also continues to speak to me. I’ve been giving thought lately to the power of books in my life. As Charlie “Tremendous” Jones taught us: The progress we make is largely going to be the result of the people we meet and the books we read.

Because of technology platforms, we also can take in information, sights and sounds that have the capacity to move us, to inspire us on our journey. That’s also something this post highlights through the video that is shared. You may have already seen it but it’s another one of those pieces where we can gain something from each experience of it.

And so I share it all with you again. Because today is not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you today.

Live well.

Live today like you want tomorrow to be.

Typically, I know within the first few pages of a book when I begin reading if it’s going to move me to an experience that transforms.

It certainly doesn’t happen with every book, even some that I immensely enjoy.  But there is something, sometimes that goes directly to the soul.

I started a new book this morning that may become one of those books.  If the first chapter is any indication, it will be.  It is Greater by Steven Furtick.  It’s about spirituality and purpose which is something of high priority for me but it’s also quite contemporary in terms of context which is very refreshing.

One line from the first few pages leapt out and really did stop my eyes in their tracks.  He said that “The thing is, most believers aren’t in imminent danger of ruining their lives. They’re facing a danger that’s far greater: wasting them.”  The fundamental truth of that should inspire all of us to guard against it.

As I meet people when I speak or in my interactions as a life coach, it has become more and more clear that we have this desire to focus on the long term, the big picture.  And that is important.  There is no doubt that we have to have a vision.  But we must also remember that the vision has to be refined and experienced every day.  Because that’s where lives change.  Not what we want to accomplish a year from now, what we’re doing today.  Today is the gift.  Not next year, not even tomorrow, today.  As we look at calendars, to-do lists and schedules it is what we must be mindful of every moment.  We can have grand plans for the coming year and yet waste today.  So that is where we begin.  Today.  I believe that if we want to live our best lives, we must live our best days.

Recently, I came across a video I had seen before but this time it lingered with me.  And when I read Steven Furtick’s words this morning it came rushing back and I had to find it and watch it again.  It’s a wonderful inspirational piece about gratitude and the gift of time and place.

Here are the opening words:

“You think this is just another day in your life.

It’s not just another day.

It’s the one day that is given to you today.

It’s given to you. It’s a gift.

It’s the only gift that you have right now.

And the only appropriate response is gratefulness.”