How do you see yourself? You might need to break the mirror..

Broken MirrorPerspective is a powerful thing.  The key to understanding just how powerful is knowing that we do not see what is there.  We see what we expect to be there.  This is also true about ourselves.  We do not see who we really are.  We see who we expect ourselves to be.  And those expectations create our perspective about everything.

Think about a trip to the fun house and going through the House of Mirrors.  When you see yourself in those mirrors, you know it isn’t who you really are.  And yet that is still who you appear to be.  The fact is, many of us see a distorted image of ourselves just like in the fun house mirrors rather than our true selves. And it changes how we see everything about our possibilities.

Where that distorted sense of self comes from is different for all of us.  But no matter what is at its root, there is only one way to change it.  We need a new mirror.  A true mirror.  A mirror that shows us who we really are.  That takes courage.  We have to be willing to let go of the fun house reflection in order to get to what is real and true.

So the next time you think that you are not enough or that you are too much, check for a fun house mirror. Because it’s there. And there is nothing fun about it.  It’s okay to break that mirror.  No bad luck involved.  In fact, just the opposite.

Breaking that mirror will mean you will see a new mirror.  A mirror that will clearly reflect the best of you and your possibilities. That’s the mirror to keep.