Integrity & Discipline: Two Halfs of the Whole

Integrity=Disciipline=Keeping PromisesIntegrity is about following through on our words consistently with our actions. Our words are the “promise”.  Our actions are the “performance”.  To have integrity, the promise and performance need to match.

That is true, even when the promise is to ourselves.  Can you relate to that?  Have you ever made a promise to yourself and not followed through?

Does it seem like the priorities and commitments you make for YOU seem to drift to the bottom of the never-ending “to-do” list?

If I say that I value good health but I do not act in the best interest of my health, then I have an integrity issue.  If I say that I value financial freedom but I do not practice good financial disciplines, then I have an integrity issue.  If I say that I value relationships but I do not invest in them, I have an integrity issue.

We cannot give (or teach) what we do not have (or live).  Before we make promises to others, we need to look at the promises we have made to ourselves.

What promises are we making to ourselves that foster our growth?  Are we keeping them? What promises are we making to others to foster their growth? Are we keeping them?

Integrity and discpline are twin spirits.  One is reflected by the other.  Brian Tracy said it best when he defined discipline as “doing what you resolve to do”.  Isn’t that also integrity?  We do what we resolve to do.  We keep our promises.  To ourselves first and then to others.